This is a survival message to all my followers (the three of you). I have survived the 1st half of my LAST semester at UMD. School, school, and more school are the only reasons I can think of for not keeping up with my blog, and for that I am extremely sorry. But once I get my B.S. (you all know what that stands for I trust) it will be all worth it. I'll get a job right out of graduation and be making big money, big money, no whammies. Right? Here's hoping.
I'm thinking in order to catch up from where we left off (was it really Dec. 14th??!) we should start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. 20 points for whoever can name that movie. Well... basically Christmas break started the way most college kids' does: with a dead battery. Robby reminded me of the power of prayer when we prayed after charging the car for a while hoping it would start so I could head home. It worked! I love God.