So Shawn got me hooked and I no longer have control. I started snowboarding last January ('08) and have loved it since the 1st day. Well, almost every day. There were the days I came away with some nasty bruises, and even a broken bone! (I broke my rib going on rail my 3rd time out. Hey, I didn't want to be the one who couldn't anything anymore!) Anyway, it's been a great ride (literally) and I thought I should share some great memories made on my Feelgood with Shawn and his Twin and Alli and her K2. Us 3 have had some pretty great adventures on our boards, the greatest among them was our trek out to Montana. Speaking for the 3 of us, we all think of our days on Lone Mountain in the days of stress, school, work, and all the yuck that comes with it. I've been counting down the days till I can strap on my beautiful board and shred the gnar again!
Here's Shawn getting ready to actually do this box. He's awesome. He's my inspiration.
Alli's learning, she pretty much started this season. She did a box perfectly out in Montana, and rocked it! Like so...
The lodge we stayed at was the greatest! They were the most hospitable staff. They made us a made-to-order breakfast each morning and partied with us at night. Shawn and I took advantage of the LAST quarter-cent pool table in the country

Believe me, Alli and I take advantage of our time on the lifts. If you were anywhere on Lone Mountain on the days of Jan 8-13, you probably heard/saw us singing and dancing on the chair lifts.

We all feel quite at home in our shredding gear, I don't think any of us would have a problem making Montana our REAL home!

A group shot from the *near* top of Lone Mountain on the Big Sky side. It was pretty exhileration coming down from those hights, and Alli had her biggest struggle of all when she found herself in about 4 ft. of soft powder and had to fight (roll, splatter, scream in frustration) her way out. It was hilarious. You need to see the video, maybe I'll post it if I can find 10 hrs of free time :)

All and her boarding mentor, Shawn. I could be mentor if I had more to say than, "Just bend your knees and don't fall!"

Alli and I had our groove/rap/weirdy/black barbie session every morning while getting ready. It was hot. No, literally. I advise everyone to not dance around for long periods of time wearing long johns and wool socks. Sweaty.

Bye bye, Montana. See you soon if I win the lottery or decide to disown my lifelong goals and familyor get amnesia and wake up as a pro snowboarder or become a anthropologist and want to find a baby sabertooth tiger on Lone Mountain and then just snowboard around while my team digs it up, but then I'm there in the newspapers and my family contacts me and says, "Hey you got amnesia, but we're your family! Come back to Minnesota!" and I'll be all "Do you have mountians and/or frozen 30 million old sabertooth tiger babies in Minnesota?" and they'll be like, "Well, no..." and that's when I'll be like, "Then you're not my family!!"