I love the holiday season. I know, wierd right? The food, music, smells, fellowship, family, really REALLY tight jeans, sub-zero temps... They are all wrapped up and put in our stockings with a note from God saying: "Here, Minnesotans. I gave the humane temperatures away already. Whoopsie daisey. Oh and by the way, there was a pound of butter in that hotdish you just ate."
It seems silly to list more things for my wishlist. But as per request~
If your name is Shawn and you work at Timberlodge and you love to decipher what animals [Belle in particular] are thinking:
I want toilet paper. Or Karley to clean the oven. Whichever one you can make happen I would give you a high five cause you are a dorkus.
To everyone else who isn't Shawn that STILL likes to ponder what Belle is thinking [ahhh..who doesn't?]:
Victoria's Secret undies, size M. I love lace, and color, and gift cards ;)
I've never met an Aveeno bottle I didn't love. Especially the Positively Radiant or Continuous Radiance moisturizing lotion.
A car reading light. I peeked at a lady reading while her husband was driving on the way back from Montana and I felt the pang of jealousy. Yay for car sickness at an accelerated rate! But I still want it.
Exercise clothing. Nix the lace but keep the color. I like bikers, running shorts, good quality socks, tops, headbands, resistance bands, etc... Shawn thinks it's weird that I like the smell of sweat but you know what?? He's the weird one, so there.
The book In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. I listened to him on MPR and loved what he had to say and wanted
more. On the other hand, I could always borrow it from the library. Yes book, you still made it on the list.

Shoes slash boots. Karley will know what I'm talking about. Then again I don't want a Spirit Mountain look-alike composed completely of shoes, sandals, boots, and whatever else Karley straps to her feet. There needs to be an intervention, like now. I wear a size 9-9.5 by the way.
A plant. With Belle at Ashby I have nothing to smother with my loving, motherly instincts. I would sing to i
t and name it and talk about it to my co-workers and measure its growth with a yardstick on the wall and have my mom babysit it and have an 'in case of emergency phone call list' on the fridge for when I'm away. Let's not forget the "PROUD PARENT OF AN HONOR STUDENT/ORCHID" bumper sticker.

Hippopotamus. I put it on my list each year but have yet to recieve one. What's the hold up, people?? I can see me now on Christmas morning creeping down the stairs. Oh what joy and what surprise when I open up my eyes and see a hippo hero standing there!