It's hard. I mean, I'm pretty good at committing to something...for a while. Which isn't really true commitment. What am I hinting at? You're staring at it. My blog.
I enjoy it so much that it's uncanny that I can't find the gumption to sit down a few minutes each day to share some random thoughts.
Random thoughts that not many people will read, but I do like to look back and go, "Oh, that's cute that I ever thought that was cute," or "I totally forgot about that!" or "I still have about as interesting life as a piece of moss."
I'm just gonna keep it simple on my first day back on the horse and post a very favorite picture of mine that I took on one of my last days at Big Sky.

I would not consider myself a exceptional photographer, nor do I a lug around a hefty digital SLR, nor do a big amount of editing.
I do however, feel like I can portray good pictures in a candid way...i.e. rarely do I line people up, instruct them to smile, then tell them to hold it right there for 11 more seconds so I can get 3 more of the exact same picture.
I like natural. I like to capture a moment as it is being lived and acted upon. I feel like you get the most bang for your buck, if you will, in that way. Optimal charachter, emotion, and life!