Holy moly pumpkin eaters week 4 is insanity. Pure insanity. My shirt literally feels like I ran through the sprinkler system 3 times, then jumped in the lake, then got out and went into a steamy sauna, then got out and ran all the way to Wisconsin Dells and went down a super soaker water slide, then ran back to Minnesota to once again jump in a lake. THAT soaked.
In other news, I had the most wonderful dream the other night. I dreamt that Shawn, as a birthday gift, arranged for me to meet The Pioneer Woman (AKA Ree Drummond). To say that it was a fantastical dream of epic proportions would be an understatement. She’s a culinary genius, photographer, author, and ranch-wife whose blog entertains me for hours on end (seriously, ask Shawn) and leaves me pining for her friendship. Take a looksee for yourself and I betcha you’ll fall in love with this woman (completely normal, I assure you) and we can talk for hours about the latest PW recipe we’ve tried. That would be oh-so-fun.
Would it be appropriate to thank Shawn for his “dream gift” of which he knew nothing about?
Here’s a little tidbit that might get you hooked. MMM…macaroni!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wow. 3 weeks done and behind me. Now, I would LIKE to say how far I've come in strength and endurance and overall awesome-ness in the past 21 days. I'd LIKE to tell you how my abs are so flat they'd make a perfect lefse iron. I'd LOVE to describe to you how my arms are the perfect mix between Michaelangelo's David and Michelle Obama.
I'd love to sing my own praises until you get super bored and check if Karley's posted anything lately (answer: probably not).
Well...I can't do any of those things. Let's just say I'll need at least seven more days to obtain the ripped look. Here's to 14 more workouts! :)
I'd love to sing my own praises until you get super bored and check if Karley's posted anything lately (answer: probably not).
Well...I can't do any of those things. Let's just say I'll need at least seven more days to obtain the ripped look. Here's to 14 more workouts! :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A refreshing drink on a cold day...
If you haven't tried this yet you need to! So delish. I found it at a teeny grocery store in a town called Wendell (pop 161) so I'm thinking it's around. Belle likes it too! Also I did two workouts today so there's that :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
After our two workouts Duke hosted a summer solstice party at his place for burgers and dogs on the fire. So delicious and, as always, a lot of fun. I love to watch the bats come out of the barn for their nightly feast on the skeeters. I like to cheer them on like I'm at a Vikings game. "Go for it! Oh, that one changes directions super fast. Wow, look at how beady that one's eyes are...etc." Can't you see how that's JUST like a Vikings game?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
and only!
I hate being sick. Strongly dislike. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. LOATH ENTIRELY!
Name that cinematic adventure.
I hate being sick. Strongly dislike. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. LOATH ENTIRELY!
Name that cinematic adventure.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Taking a quick trip to Mexico
Because not only did I make it through a day full of nausea, but I drug myself though two workouts. To reward myself, I'm letting some fresh homemade guacamole bring me south of the border. Care to join me??
I got through it. It wasn't pretty, but I got through it.
Today is one of those days I want to cuddle up in a bed, or couch, or cumulonimbous cloud somewhere in the great blue yonder, and watch the series of Drunk History.
I love these because the only thing I love more than hearing about interesting historical events is learning about them from people who've had a few too many (but otherwise well versed in the subject).
Today is one of those days I want to cuddle up in a bed, or couch, or cumulonimbous cloud somewhere in the great blue yonder, and watch the series of Drunk History.
I love these because the only thing I love more than hearing about interesting historical events is learning about them from people who've had a few too many (but otherwise well versed in the subject).
I dislike today
because I'm sick and feel loads and loads of awfulness. I know I have at least one workout looming in the distance and my tummy goes, "NOOOO! No sudden movements or I might just turn inside out!" I just... don't like today at all.
Friday, June 24, 2011
With apologies to Jillian
...but starting from a full lunge position, then jumping into the air whilst swinging your legs, then landing in the opposite full lunge position is extremely difficult.
Doing this for 30 seconds in one continuous, fluid motion is asking a LOT from my legs.
Strategically placing this move at the very end of the workout during which you've wrung every last bit of strength out of my legs is insanity.
After continuing with another 30 second spurt of something different, we go right back to where we started (in full lunge position) to do it all over again.
Then with a smile she says, in all confidence, "We'll see you next time." and I'm like, you expect me to turn this vengeful DVD player on for a next time??!! You got another thing coming, Jillian.... errr....okay, fine I'll see you next time. But only because you have a cool name."
Doing this for 30 seconds in one continuous, fluid motion is asking a LOT from my legs.
Strategically placing this move at the very end of the workout during which you've wrung every last bit of strength out of my legs is insanity.
After continuing with another 30 second spurt of something different, we go right back to where we started (in full lunge position) to do it all over again.
Then with a smile she says, in all confidence, "We'll see you next time." and I'm like, you expect me to turn this vengeful DVD player on for a next time??!! You got another thing coming, Jillian.... errr....okay, fine I'll see you next time. But only because you have a cool name."
Happy Friday, aybody!
Here's a little song to help you get your weekend owwwwwn, it's by my favorite dudes, LMFAO.
Also, they enjoy cheffin' it up! (Quite possibly one of my top 5 youtube videos)
Also, I got done with my morning workout and it's very, very hard and I need a hug and I need you not to be grossed out by my sweatiness when you give me that hug.
Also, they enjoy cheffin' it up! (Quite possibly one of my top 5 youtube videos)
Also, I got done with my morning workout and it's very, very hard and I need a hug and I need you not to be grossed out by my sweatiness when you give me that hug.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Week 3's workout goes so fast it's hard to think about how exhausting it is.
After our evening workout, Ashley, Alli, and I went for a long leisurely roller blade ride, which was a nice cool down. It was a serene, peaceful evening. A nice change up from this past week!
I've been thinking about the kind of food and drinks I want to serve at Karley's wedding shower coming up in a week and a half. Here's some ideas.
Iced coffee (with or without some Baileys, mmmm!)
After our evening workout, Ashley, Alli, and I went for a long leisurely roller blade ride, which was a nice cool down. It was a serene, peaceful evening. A nice change up from this past week!
I've been thinking about the kind of food and drinks I want to serve at Karley's wedding shower coming up in a week and a half. Here's some ideas.

Just got done with our first week 3 workout...Ay! Caramba! and I thought week 2 was hard.
I'm gonna make this quick because as we speak (?) I'm making a puddle of sweat in the kitchen that mom would be less than impressed to come home and find.
One of the hardest part of the workout was the "duck walk." Here's an example of it, but Jillian makes us take bigger steps than this girl in the video...and FYI, duckwalking backwards is KILLER!
I'm gonna make this quick because as we speak (?) I'm making a puddle of sweat in the kitchen that mom would be less than impressed to come home and find.
One of the hardest part of the workout was the "duck walk." Here's an example of it, but Jillian makes us take bigger steps than this girl in the video...and FYI, duckwalking backwards is KILLER!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
"Week 3 bring it owwwwwn!"
That's what Alli said when we got done with our evening workout.
Sayonara, week 2!
Hasta la vista, semana dos!
Catch ya on the flip side, 2nd cuz.
After a while, crocodile.
Nanner-nanner, two two!
I have won the duel versus dual weeks.
This is a tri-week party, bi-week. So bye. Your services are no longer needed.
You have been upgrayedded and thus rendered useless.
Anyway, come tomorrow I'll probably want you to come back to me and never leave me again.
Sayonara, week 2!
Hasta la vista, semana dos!
Catch ya on the flip side, 2nd cuz.
After a while, crocodile.
Nanner-nanner, two two!
I have won the duel versus dual weeks.
This is a tri-week party, bi-week. So bye. Your services are no longer needed.
You have been upgrayedded and thus rendered useless.
Anyway, come tomorrow I'll probably want you to come back to me and never leave me again.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
To celebrate day 13...
I'm making a whole lotta delicious pizza. Yes, that's homemade pesto and fresh mozzarella in the foreground :)
Monday, June 20, 2011
Twelve! 1&2
Things that come in twelve that I absolutely adore:
Oreos-that's one serving size for me, anyway
Ounces of coffee
Yellow roses
Days of Christmas
Marshmellows in the perfect batch of peanut butter popcorn
Hours of sleep I'd like to have tonight
Shades of eyeshadow Lily loves to put on her face when she comes over.
She is cute and loves the shop, just like her daddy...
Things that come in twelve that I absolutely adore:
Oreos-that's one serving size for me, anyway
Ounces of coffee
Yellow roses
Days of Christmas
Marshmellows in the perfect batch of peanut butter popcorn
Hours of sleep I'd like to have tonight
Shades of eyeshadow Lily loves to put on her face when she comes over.
She is cute and loves the shop, just like her daddy...
...and like her grandpa. "Let's go to the shop, where Grandpa lives!"
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Alli and I moved our workout routine from the living room to the garage today.
1) Cooler
2) Can work out and not interfere with Mom's QVC watching
3) More space
4) Wonderful garage-y ambiance
1) Greasy, slippery floor
2) Hard cement makes for excruciating girl-pushups
3) Car watches us...and makes a very critical look when I do pendulum squats
4) Garage-y ambiance
Yay for keeping up with our 2-a-day pace 11 days in!! That makes me want to dance...speaking of...
1) Cooler
2) Can work out and not interfere with Mom's QVC watching
3) More space
4) Wonderful garage-y ambiance
1) Greasy, slippery floor
2) Hard cement makes for excruciating girl-pushups
3) Car watches us...and makes a very critical look when I do pendulum squats
4) Garage-y ambiance
Yay for keeping up with our 2-a-day pace 11 days in!! That makes me want to dance...speaking of...
Day ten. No part one, just day ten. We only did the workout once today due to the hustle and bustle of the marathon and then driving home afterwards. So I consider even doing it once a success!
Great job, Karley and Chelsey, on your marathon yesterday. It was so much fun cheering you two on. You are cute.
Great job, Karley and Chelsey, on your marathon yesterday. It was so much fun cheering you two on. You are cute.
Friday, June 17, 2011
2nd workout of the day in Duluth, MN. Afterwards we helped moved a few of Karley's belongings to Robby's house. After this we made a gigantic meal for the Headricks and Rambows that came for a pre-race spaghetti dinner. The word I would choose to describe Karley during this fiasco would be "frantic," and that's putting it nicely. Maybe "cur-bobbled" would be better. Or "gobbledygook." Now I'm just making stuff up, but not really cause I'm quite sure I've heard my grandmother use those adjectives once or twice.
Anyway, you know it's a good workout when you end up on a floor begging an Emerson DVD player for mercy.
FYI, it won't bend. It is a cruel, cruel DVD player.
We did our morning workout at Karley's Duluth house. Karley watched (and laughed) and stretched our in preparation for her race. Shawn did it with us, too! He was pretty good for not getting and week 1 workouts in. One more to go for the day. I'm watching "The Dog Whisperer" so forgive me if I don't elaborate much more.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
3 hrs after finishing the morning workout Alli and I jumped into our second of the day, all in order to hit the road to Duluth for Karley's 26.2 miles!
We're here in Duluth now, and that's all I have to say about that.
By the way, week 2 is brutal. Just brutal.
Week 2 not treating the baked bean weights all too well...
They desperately need to be retired into a pan of ground beef and topped with some fresh-ground salt and pepper. Mmm-mmm
We took a giant step (hop..leap...blastoff?!) up from week 1. Let's just say Jillian kicks it up a notch. Alli and I were talking about how we like that it changes every week. For one, it will keep us from getting sick of the same old, same old. Secondly, it keeps everything very challenging to facilitate growth. We like that.
I REALLY need to invest in some real handweights. I'll send a pic to show you why.

Jillian wears this K-Swiss shoes that I love, love love. I don't need new tennies, but I want them. And I'm grown-up enough to know the difference...so I'll just adore them during my workouts and probably cave one night and order them online and not tell you so you'll go on assuming I'm a responsible grown-up.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I am over-and-out with week 1. Ended with a terrific workout with Lily and Heidi. Lily really got into the lunge/bicep curls. It was cute. Gavin watched. He's super cute.
Onto week 2. It's gonna be harder. I'm going to sweat more. I'm gonna need a lot of peanut butter popcorn to nurse me through the evenings. I'll probably awkwardly limp through these next few days. I most likely will complain about what a crazy maniac Jillian is.
I love the cowboy boots + dress look for a summer wedding on the farm!
Onto week 2. It's gonna be harder. I'm going to sweat more. I'm gonna need a lot of peanut butter popcorn to nurse me through the evenings. I'll probably awkwardly limp through these next few days. I most likely will complain about what a crazy maniac Jillian is.

I like the part of a workout where you're all, "I like that I'm doing this."
I hate the part of a workout before you start when you're all, "My! This couch is comfy."
I like the part of a workout when you're done and you're all, "That's something I can cross off my list for the day."
I hate the part of a workout when all it feels like is impending doom and you're all, "I just might die today."
I hate the part of a workout before you start when you're all, "My! This couch is comfy."
I like the part of a workout when you're done and you're all, "That's something I can cross off my list for the day."
I hate the part of a workout when all it feels like is impending doom and you're all, "I just might die today."
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's getting harder to breathe in the downstairs living room as the day temps climb through the 70s. Uff. But we made it through. Mom even joined us today. She didn't like the push ups.
I LOVE these Special K crackers. The multi-grain flavor is the best. I ate them tonight with some fresh home-made guacamole. Mmm... delish!
I LOVE these Special K crackers. The multi-grain flavor is the best. I ate them tonight with some fresh home-made guacamole. Mmm... delish!
Also, I'll NEVER get sick of this vid! I wish my pudgy-ness was this cute!!
Got it! Tomorrow's my last day of week 1? Where does the time go?!
Also, approximately 719 hours until the nuptial celebration of Karley and Robby!
Also, if you haven't seen this yet you will thoroughly enjoy it. Mary, you'll disagree with South Dakota.
Also, approximately 719 hours until the nuptial celebration of Karley and Robby!
Also, if you haven't seen this yet you will thoroughly enjoy it. Mary, you'll disagree with South Dakota.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Yup, and yup!
Really, this is more for my being accountable than for your reading entertainment.
I can't wait for supper. I don't know what I'll have, but I love food.
Also, most days I want to right a song of joyous, joyous adoration for milk.
Also, Shakira stole my hairstyle!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
In order to keep the Sabbath day holy...
I only did Ripped once.
Also because Alli strongly requested it.
Also I watched Robin Hood (with Russel Crowe) and it's SOO good. You should watch it if you haven't.
Also Russel is as dreamy as he was in Gladiator.
Also I'm getting really bogged down in "The Count of Monte Cristo." Mary, help me!
I love baked beans so much...
My homemade weights. Disregard the fact that one is three lbs and one is two. I failed to read the labels properly. It's ok, though, I'm gonna be a dentist.
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Finished 2nd workout of day 2. Ouch, ouch, and more ouch. It took some major gumption to start this evening because I ache in places that make anything but sitting still pitifully painful. I'm encouraged because I, unlike other people who can shape up just eating differently, do not see any changes unless I devote at least an hour per day to moderate/intense physical exercise.
Day 2. Done. Yay
Day 2. Done. Yay
Day 2 part 1
Alli and I did our workout at 7:45 this morning. I hooked up my ipod to the speakers because sometimes Jillian gets a tad on the annoying side. I can only hear "You better be able to do this, 400+ lb people can do this workout!" so many times.
It gets easier just knowing what's coming, but still not near perfect. I will admit I don't always go ALL the way down on my lunges. I'll work on that for part 2.
It gets easier just knowing what's coming, but still not near perfect. I will admit I don't always go ALL the way down on my lunges. I'll work on that for part 2.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Day 1
I completed my first Ripped workout this morning at around 8:30 AM. I almost died. Here's the excuses I've come up with: 1) I'm way out of shape. If I was a triangle, I now look like a circle. If I was The Bodyguard Whitney Houston I am now the "crack is whack" Whitney Houston. If I were a early 90s scrunchie I am now a anytime other than the 90s scrunchie. Catch my drift?? 2) Working out indoors is weird in the summer. It's stuffy and dusty and hard to breath 3) I was intimidated and scared like Alli's dog Indy of a broom.
I did the workout again at around 8:30 PM. It went better so there's already some improvement. I didn't even have to stop and stick my head out the window for some air!
I'm gonna try do 2-a-days Friday Night Lights style while I can to get a jump start on my 30 days.
Day 1, over and out!
Ripped in 30??...We shall see
Alli and I recently bought Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 workout video. I will say I was a bit skeptical as I've been on some pretty serious workout/diet routines in my past and haven't really become ripped in less than 5 weeks but after my first workout...I'd say this would bite off a big chunk of winter weight.
And let me tell ya, I've got plenty to say buh-bye to.
I'm not gonna post any before pics...I'm not into that kinda humiliation, but I will keep you updated on my progress.
Jillian definitely kicks butt...hopefully she kicks my butt into a smaller more shapely-er one!
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