Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gotta love them teeth!

A couple updates I'm excited to let you three in on:

1) Karley is now an avid flosser. Get this. She came into my room and ask if I can nab her another mini-carton of floss so she can keep some in her purse. It's like I'm her drug dealer and she's my addict. She depends on my goods and I can deliver. Except in this example her teeth only get prettier and healthier rather than browner, crumblier, and generally more fally-outy.

2) I SUBMITTED my application to Minnesooooooooota! I dropped by my manilla envelope in the post office today and asked the post-man to put some extra magic on it, like Tinkerbell and her pixie dust. Yes, I actually said that.

3) I full-on assist tomorrow. All by myself. I feel like it's my first day of freshman year all over again. Wait, take that back. Second day because everyone knows the first day is all about the syllabi!

4) I saw Lady Gaga's boob fall out of her outfit on Jay Leno. Karley and I watched it together. If you don't call that bonding you can just go kick a brick wall, jeez.

Snug as a [FIT] Bug in a Rug!

Another thing I totally forgot putting on my list, although I would be appalled to recieve it because it's probably beyond anyone's price-range (including mine). Sad face. Anyway, I wanna put it up just for the fun of it.It's called a bodybug and it measure's your body's temperature throughout the day and records it so you can know EXACTLY how many calories your body burns so you can plan a diet and workout routine based on your precise fitness goals. A coworker had one at Wellspring and absolutely loved it. Check it out here!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

'Tis the Season?? Can't be..

I find it very difficult to acknowledge the presence of the holidays even though I know it's nearly December. Already. Really? Yes, Jill. Really. I've spent my entire Saturday finishing up my Minnesota application for dental school. Don't even get me started on how much more documents and essays Minnesota wants from its applicants. With God's help, this only strengthens my app. Anyway, enough about mental school. On to another subject: presents! I've been brainstorming it up:

MAC makeup. I simply cannot get enough. I love the bright eyeliners and paint pots. A gift card would rock my stockings.

A watch. I've never had a pretty, funky, good quality watch. I wear my $10 camp watch all the time, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like a nice one.

Bridgedale socks: Hey, it's Christmas. Socks gotta be on your list. These socks are wayyyy better than smartwool (I'll fight you, Karley) and they build them for the specific sport you use them for. Think snowboarding :)

Airhole. It brings air through a hole. Obviously. I like the colorful one.

Pay an application fee? Lame I know but it would be a gift that keeps on giving. Each school (Minnesota, Creighton, Marquette, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and San Fran) wants anywhere from $55-75 to apply. I little hard on the wallet.

Nice, pretty, and practical work clothes. I got enough party clothes. Time for college Jill to become grown-up, working Jill.

Crossword puzzle book. I can't stop. I won't even try to stop.

mmm, JEWELS! Forget the light bulb, this is always a good idea.

Small things are big things: Car scents, lotions, shower gels, and candles are purrrfect.I like hats. Big knit-y, colorful, fuzzy hats.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

He's my Best Fwend

Since I haven't devoted a blog to him combined with the fact that he is now a part of the blogging community, I am dedicating this message to him.
He's my best friend.

Shawn and I share everything together: our interests, our greatest & most exciting moments, our frustrations in the spinning-our-tires stage we seem to be in, and our anxiousness for the winter snowboarding season to arrive. We share lots and lots.

And there no one else I would like to share these things with.After all, he is an only child so he hasn't even come CLOSE to fulfilling his sharing quota for his near-quater century of life.
Here are some other couples I would like to compare us to...someday:
Bambi and Flower
Peanut Butter and Banana
Celine Dion and Josh Groban
Two hands making high-fives
New-Car scent and a past-its-prime vehicleEveryone looks at these pairs and thinks, "The universe is in a more perfect balance because those two are together." Don't deny it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If it's brown, it's not necessarily down

Ohhhh the great tradition of deer hunting. You can just feel the excitement build upon the first few days of November in the anticipation of the first weekend of rifle season. You begin to see more and more orange coats and hats being adorned by outdoorsmen across the state.Fridges and cupboards are stocked with all kind of on-the-stand goodies to help keep the avid hunter nourished and sharp. Lights are out earlier than normal on Friday and coffee is prepared before the rays of the sun have brushed the morning sky. Hunters wait anxiously to hear the crack of the first shot. The season has begun.

Their eyes search the seas of brown grass for an animal who's coat has undergone centuries of evolution to mimic the weed's golden hues perfectly. The human tries to out-listen an animal who's ears are 100 times more sensitive; with its nose acting as it's main defense, man has little hope in concealing himself for long. But yet he tries. Morning and night he huddles to his steaming coffee mug and searches land for the graceful and silent animal. This is hunting.

It is not simply a tradition. It is an honor.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Big Sky or Bust!

I am a lucky lucky girl. Probably one of luckier I know. If I somehow win the lottery that PROVES there's something magical in my possession (especially since I never buy a lottery ticket)! Anyway, my next adventure that brings total excitement in my life is Shawn and I's trip out to Big Sky, Montana to visit little sister Alli and celebrate her 21st birthday. Going snowboarding on lone mountain will be an extra bonus!
Yesterday, Shawn and I bought our Frequent Sky Card which gives us 14 days of FREE snowboarding (early & late season) and lotsa discounts throughout the season! The card will pay for itself in 2 days of boarding so I'm confident it was a smart purchase.
So Shawn and I will embark on our westward adventure on November 28th, just a week after Alli moves there for the season.