Since I haven't devoted a blog to him combined with the fact that he is now a part of the blogging community, I am dedicating this message to him.

Shawn and I share everything together: our interests, our greatest & most exciting moments, our frustrations in the spinning-our-tires stage we seem to be in, and our anxiousness for the winter snowboarding season to arrive. We share lots and lots.
And there no one else I would like to share these things with.After all, he is an only child so he hasn't even come CLOSE to fulfilling his sharing quota for his near-quater century of life.
Here are some other couples I would like to compare us to...someday:
Bambi and Flower
Peanut Butter and Banana
Celine Dion and Josh Groban
Two hands making high-fives
New-Car scent and a past-its-prime vehicle
Everyone looks at these pairs and thinks, "The universe is in a more perfect balance because those two are together." Don't deny it.

HaHaHa thanks for the dedication, and to add to your list of couples, even though you dont like this show, everytime i watch it i think we are a lot like Eric and Donna from That 70's Show: the nerdy guy and the tall, hot, red head.
What? I do like the show. It's just one of those things you have to be in the mood for...
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