Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Holidays from Keri Noble

So I admire my friend and soulmate Kelly Halls. My freshmen roommate, she sadly moved back to Eden Prairie to finish her college education. She comes to Dulooth to vist frequently, and her visits are the highlites of my life. She came in October and she, Karley, and I attended a Keri Noble concert and fell in love with her. Conveniently, she was to return to Dinkytown for a holiday concert, and we all promised her we'd be there after the show.
Fast forward 2 months... Keri Noble's holiday show did NOT disappoint 2nd time around. Kelly and I met for some drinks at the Blarney Stone in Dinkytown and after about a 45-minute wait in 5 degree weather we nursed our frozen toes inside the Varsity Theater. Keri's performance made us laugh, cry, sing along, and hold hands. It was kinda like watching an episode of The Wiggles. I only wished Karley and Mary could've shared in the joy of it all.

Here's a song you might recognize from the radio. It's okay, sing along, we did.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Love the videos - I pretended I was there sitting next to you!