As many of you know (Mom, Karley, Alli, everyone else who's let me complain to you about my baby bed situation) I've slept in a baby bed. I kid you not, until last month I had slept nearly every night of my 22 year old life in the same bed. A little twin frame with two mattresses stacked on eachother (reeeeeeeeeal good for the back, eh?) with a feather mattress to top it off like a dollap of whipped cream, it was like sleeping on a slice of angel food cake. Well, my BFFFW (best friend forever from work) Jen sold me her mattress set for $0, it was a pretty steep bargain but I decided to splurge and Rob and I hauled the trailer up to Cloquet to bring it home. (That's an INTERELY different blog, wow) Needless to say, my new bed is naked. It's like a 400 lb. woman just walked into a Victoria's Secret model's closet and tried to pick something to wear for a night on the town. My little sheets don't cut it. New sheets would be exquisite. FYI, I would prefer softness and quality over looks, don't just pick up a cheap set from Wal-Mart that seem cute cause I won't use them. If good sheets are too expensivo, just get me a gift card, anything helps! MMMMMMMmmmmm, who doesn't love cozy cozy sheets?! (I like the light brown)
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