Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 1

I completed my first Ripped workout this morning at around 8:30 AM. I almost died. Here's the excuses I've come up with: 1) I'm way out of shape. If I was a triangle, I now look like a circle. If I was The Bodyguard Whitney Houston I am now the "crack is whack" Whitney Houston. If I were a early 90s scrunchie I am now a anytime other than the 90s scrunchie. Catch my drift?? 2) Working out indoors is weird in the summer. It's stuffy and dusty and hard to breath 3) I was intimidated and scared like Alli's dog Indy of a broom.

I did the workout again at around 8:30 PM. It went better so there's already some improvement. I didn't even have to stop and stick my head out the window for some air!

I'm gonna try do 2-a-days Friday Night Lights style while I can to get a jump start on my 30 days.

Day 1, over and out!


Karley Ann said...

wooohoo. I bought the getting rid of trouble areas one instead... it's hard. I'm screaming by the end.

Jill said...

It's a love/hate relationship with Jillian.